A few suggestions
A few suggestions
Tactics Mode
1. Hint or give up button allowing solution to be viewed. Obviously a loss of points, if used during rating tactics.
2. I have seen it suggested before and posts says it can be done, but comments do not show in tactics. How do you get commenting to display with tactics? The move notations do not even show with tactics.
1. Would like to see a way to delete games from the database. I goof up occasionally. Can delete databases, but not games within.
Keep up the work on this plugin. I really enjoy using it.
1. Hint or give up button allowing solution to be viewed. Obviously a loss of points, if used during rating tactics.
2. I have seen it suggested before and posts says it can be done, but comments do not show in tactics. How do you get commenting to display with tactics? The move notations do not even show with tactics.
1. Would like to see a way to delete games from the database. I goof up occasionally. Can delete databases, but not games within.
Keep up the work on this plugin. I really enjoy using it.
Re: A few suggestions
Thanks for your input 
I will work on these features now.
An update with some, or all of these features will be released by the end of the week.

I will work on these features now.
An update with some, or all of these features will be released by the end of the week.
Re: A few suggestions
I apologise that this has taken some time to implement.
A new hint button has now been enabled. It will play the solution for you and you will lose half the points as you normally would if you didn't solve the puzzle.
I have also made some changes to how many points you lose when you try to solve the puzzle. Example: A puzzle with 5 moves. If you solve four of the five moves, you will only lose 20% rating points(i.e. you have solved 80% of the puzzle).
The changes has been pushed to update 1.0.98
I apologise that this has taken some time to implement.
A new hint button has now been enabled. It will play the solution for you and you will lose half the points as you normally would if you didn't solve the puzzle.
I have also made some changes to how many points you lose when you try to solve the puzzle. Example: A puzzle with 5 moves. If you solve four of the five moves, you will only lose 20% rating points(i.e. you have solved 80% of the puzzle).
The changes has been pushed to update 1.0.98
Re: A few suggestions
That is good improvement Alf, I have some more ideas for tactic rating calcualtion:
- defining tactic rating in database,
- Implimenting Elo formula for claclating the rating changes.
-Considering time factor
- defining tactic rating in database,
- Implimenting Elo formula for claclating the rating changes.
-Considering time factor
Re: A few suggestions
Thanks Navid,
I'm using the ELO formula today but with double points for the first 8 puzzles you try to solve. Elo per database is interesting.
A few months back, I considered elo per game. I've made an automatic parser using StockfishJS(part of the DHTML Chess software), and thought about setting elo based on how long time StockfishJS spent solving the puzzles.
Time factor is considered today as described above, but it could probably be made better. The whole rating for puzzles is still a bit experimental and I could need all the feedback I can get
....so thanks
I'm using the ELO formula today but with double points for the first 8 puzzles you try to solve. Elo per database is interesting.
A few months back, I considered elo per game. I've made an automatic parser using StockfishJS(part of the DHTML Chess software), and thought about setting elo based on how long time StockfishJS spent solving the puzzles.
Time factor is considered today as described above, but it could probably be made better. The whole rating for puzzles is still a bit experimental and I could need all the feedback I can get
Re: A few suggestions
Hi alf,
Since you have programmed to show multiple Tactic database in sequence, so it make sense to have multiple databases for a tactic training with different rating and time for solving each.
So here is my idea, not sure if everybody agrees or it fits to your schedule...:
* adding two new properties for tactic database , Time & Rating
So User rating will be calculated base on the tactic rating and if user finish the puzzle less than half of considered time, will get ful rating otherwise %75 of the rating (simple formula, could be any formula to include time because it shows how fast user can claculate...)
* For Time, I have another idea too.: Considering external timer, Define a timer for a series of test, for example user has 5 min to solve as much as he can then his time will be finished. can be considered as properties...
* Another idea is adding a properties to select random tactic from a particular database, or select random database from the selected databases:
Random Tactic=1, Random DB=1... Sometimes it is better to show different type of tactic to user
I am looking for a way to undrestand which puzzles have not been solved, or how much time user spent for each puzzle, Is there a way you provide some variables then use them in Javascript then use those data to anlayze, store in DB etc. ?
Another question / suggestion I have, let say I want to laod differnet database for a user depend on his score on previous puzzles, is there a way to control the flow of webiste based on the answers.? For example I show a tactic to a user, if he solved correctly then show more difficult one, if solved wrongly then show him different page where I stored little bit easier puzzle, How can we impliment such an idea with this plugin?
Since you have programmed to show multiple Tactic database in sequence, so it make sense to have multiple databases for a tactic training with different rating and time for solving each.
So here is my idea, not sure if everybody agrees or it fits to your schedule...:
* adding two new properties for tactic database , Time & Rating
So User rating will be calculated base on the tactic rating and if user finish the puzzle less than half of considered time, will get ful rating otherwise %75 of the rating (simple formula, could be any formula to include time because it shows how fast user can claculate...)
* For Time, I have another idea too.: Considering external timer, Define a timer for a series of test, for example user has 5 min to solve as much as he can then his time will be finished. can be considered as properties...
* Another idea is adding a properties to select random tactic from a particular database, or select random database from the selected databases:
Random Tactic=1, Random DB=1... Sometimes it is better to show different type of tactic to user
I am looking for a way to undrestand which puzzles have not been solved, or how much time user spent for each puzzle, Is there a way you provide some variables then use them in Javascript then use those data to anlayze, store in DB etc. ?
Another question / suggestion I have, let say I want to laod differnet database for a user depend on his score on previous puzzles, is there a way to control the flow of webiste based on the answers.? For example I show a tactic to a user, if he solved correctly then show more difficult one, if solved wrongly then show him different page where I stored little bit easier puzzle, How can we impliment such an idea with this plugin?
Re: A few suggestions
Thanks for the good ideas.
To add some intelligence to the Tactics would be nice.
== Timed Puzzles ==
I like the idea of solving as many puzzles as you can within a given timeframe. The idea is not so difficult to implement, but do you have any suggestions on how to handle elo for this?
I will find a way to add some analytics data to plugin. When a puzzle is solved(or failed), data about time used, puzzle elo, if it's solved or failed are sent to the server. However, at the moment, it is only used to measure the elo. The data are not stored in the database. It should be pretty easy to accomplish.
==Time & Rating==
This is probably not too hard to implement either. However, how I don't have any clear idea on how to find
* time limits for a puzzle(what is acceptable time?)
* elo of puzzle(could perhaps use todays formula?)
I could implement some way of specifying it in the admin editor, but you then probably have to do it on all the puzzles, which could be a hazzle.
I can add some functionality to the StockfishJS engine there which may give you a suggestion on elo and accepted time based on how long time StockfishJS need to solve the puzzle.
== Intelligense ==
To offer users puzzles according to their ELO should be pretty easy to do if we get the previous(time&rating) right.
I will try to spend some time this weekend on this.
Thanks for the good ideas.
To add some intelligence to the Tactics would be nice.
== Timed Puzzles ==
I like the idea of solving as many puzzles as you can within a given timeframe. The idea is not so difficult to implement, but do you have any suggestions on how to handle elo for this?
I will find a way to add some analytics data to plugin. When a puzzle is solved(or failed), data about time used, puzzle elo, if it's solved or failed are sent to the server. However, at the moment, it is only used to measure the elo. The data are not stored in the database. It should be pretty easy to accomplish.
==Time & Rating==
This is probably not too hard to implement either. However, how I don't have any clear idea on how to find
* time limits for a puzzle(what is acceptable time?)
* elo of puzzle(could perhaps use todays formula?)
I could implement some way of specifying it in the admin editor, but you then probably have to do it on all the puzzles, which could be a hazzle.
I can add some functionality to the StockfishJS engine there which may give you a suggestion on elo and accepted time based on how long time StockfishJS need to solve the puzzle.
== Intelligense ==
To offer users puzzles according to their ELO should be pretty easy to do if we get the previous(time&rating) right.
I will try to spend some time this weekend on this.
Re: A few suggestions
Hi Alf,
Thanks for you reply. I directly reply your questions and share my idea:
Time Puzzles & Rating:
My recommendation is time per database, depend how difficult or how easy puzzle database is, we can defeine time for each database (entire puzzle in the database) so in this case we do not need to specify time for each puzzle.
for example shortcode could be like this [chess tactics="1" tpl="2" db="26,27" time="300,400" width="60%" float="left" css="padding-right:8px"]
300 sec for database one, 400 sec for database 2, if we do not define then there is no timer...
Regarding Elo for tactic, I suggest we define elo per database not per puzzle, if we have a tactic database with different puzzles, I suggest owner of database separate it into few databases with different level to manage it in better way.
so shortcode could be like this [chess tactics="1" tpl="2" db="26,27" time="300,400" Elo="1000,1500"width="60%" float="left" css="padding-right:8px"]
For the Elo formula one of the idea would be dynamic K factor for each user or constant K factor.
If you define time per database, we do not need to consider time in rating calculation, user has a chance to get more rating if solve rapidly...
That would be great if we can have data in table, but not sure how do you want to handle that.
If we have live update of data in database, we can control the user interface based on those data. Any intelligense / creative idea can be implimented with those data in the database.
Thanks agian
Thanks for you reply. I directly reply your questions and share my idea:
Time Puzzles & Rating:
My recommendation is time per database, depend how difficult or how easy puzzle database is, we can defeine time for each database (entire puzzle in the database) so in this case we do not need to specify time for each puzzle.
for example shortcode could be like this [chess tactics="1" tpl="2" db="26,27" time="300,400" width="60%" float="left" css="padding-right:8px"]
300 sec for database one, 400 sec for database 2, if we do not define then there is no timer...
Regarding Elo for tactic, I suggest we define elo per database not per puzzle, if we have a tactic database with different puzzles, I suggest owner of database separate it into few databases with different level to manage it in better way.
so shortcode could be like this [chess tactics="1" tpl="2" db="26,27" time="300,400" Elo="1000,1500"width="60%" float="left" css="padding-right:8px"]
For the Elo formula one of the idea would be dynamic K factor for each user or constant K factor.
If you define time per database, we do not need to consider time in rating calculation, user has a chance to get more rating if solve rapidly...
That would be great if we can have data in table, but not sure how do you want to handle that.
If we have live update of data in database, we can control the user interface based on those data. Any intelligense / creative idea can be implimented with those data in the database.
Thanks agian
Re: A few suggestions
Hi Alf,
Is there any way to list all users with their rating in a table like a leader board for encouraging purpose.
Is there any way to list all users with their rating in a table like a leader board for encouraging purpose.
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